The Leadership Leap
In the Leadership Leap, Kamal Sarma, a former monk who became a venture capitalist, presents 7 essential principles, “(un) learnings”, that you have to unlearn and relearn to progress in your personal or professional leadership journey.
These are the critical lessons that may be lacking in your management training but are crucial in your leadership development.
If you want to make the shift from being a manager to a true leader, so that people choose to follow, this is the book for you.
With deep insights into the challenges that most leaders face in their corporate careers, Sarma provides an integrated and principle-centred approach to a new model of leadership that will enhance your career, business and life.
This book is free of fluff and is written in an easy to read format that gives you the essence in the shortest possible time. It’s written for a Twitter and Youtube generation who need the ideas explained quickly and efficiently.
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… to take the leap?
Enroll in our unique online leadership program to embark on a gradual and deep transformation.
Over a period of 12 weeks you will discover the skills to become a better leader by getting to know the fundamental behaviors and qualities that make a resilient and inspirational leader.
… to beat the myths?
The Leadership Leap book challenges seven myths around leadership. It offers a collection of simple, yet powerful insights for taking the leadership leap in your life.
This book is about learning to lead yourself and others, and having a new understanding of how leadership works.
… to challenge your team?
Would you like corporate access to empower your whole team with our training? We offer B2B access to our online program, which can further be supported by classroom facilitation and 1-1 coaching sessions.
Contact us for a friendly discussion on the subject.
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