Struggling To Navigate Conversations

86%* of employees and executives cite the lack of effective collaboration and communication as the main causes for workplace failures.

Learn how you navigate your difficult conversations will determine the quality of your working life and your personal life. 


How to courageously navigatve your most challenging, complex conversations through connection, to achieve a WinWin outcome.

Are you

  • Avoiding MUST HAVE conversation
  • Walking away from conversations with REGRET for what was said
  • Walking away from conversations FRUSTRATED you didn't say what you needed to say

What if we could give you the tools to...

  • Win those clients
  • Effectively resolve conflicts
  • Secure that raise or promotion 
  • Build an engaging team
  • Obtain additional resources
  • Build stronger connections with family

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

And you can start today!


In The Next 6 Months, Over the next 4 weeks, you will learn how to...

  • Identify the 7 conversations hiding in a complex conversation    

  • Feel confident to bring up a difficult topic and know how to navigate it to get a great outcome for you and the other person

  • Be assertive without being aggressive

  • Be compassionate while being courageous

  • Hear what is not being said

  • Build strengthen and deepen the relationship by having  difficult conversations 

  • Express yourself in a way that the other person does not interrupt you

  • Express your emotions and not censure your feelings

  • Provide feedback in a way that the other person does not hear judgment or criticism

  • Articulate your expectations and uncover other people’s expectations

Have you been avoiding challenging conversations with your client, colleague or leader?

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What if there was a way to navigate these conversations with ease and in a way where both of you achieved a WinWIn outcome?

We delay having difficult conversations out of the fear that we may make things worse. However, not having the conversation starts to make us feel stressed and issues stay unresolved. Sometimes they do come out but in a way that can destroy the relationship.  

Essential Dialogue is a course that is designed to help you have difficult conversations

Effectively: getting to an outcome that  is sustainable for you and the other party

Efficiently: in the least amount of time and energy

Elegantly: a way that strengthens and deepens the relationship

This course has practical tools and strategies to help you achieve a WinWin outcome through Essential Dialogue.


What's Included ...


Delivered Daily To Your Inbox...

you will receive a short video to watch with actions to help you expand and understand.

Actionable Steps

Daily Takeaway Actionable Steps



This Program Is For You If...

  • Feel confident engaging in a difficult conversations

  • Learn the best ways to give and receive feedback

  • Express yourself in a way that people will listen to you without being defensive

  • Keep the conversation on track even when you have strong emotions

  • Leverage listening skills to hear what people are not saying

  • Learn effective ways to get through with your communication when there are diverse values, backgrounds and beliefs.

Your Instructor

Kamal Sarma

Kamal has developed deep insight into organizations and people cultivated by his own unique background.   Living in a monastery he trained as monk for 6 years before excelling in senior corporate positions. 

Now as the founder and director of Rezilium –  Kamal delivers customized strategies and presentations for a range of industries. 

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"The Financial Freedom Bootcamp covers it all. After only 2 months I’m ready to buy my first house!"

- Martin Marino

"The Financial Freedom Bootcamp covers it all. After only 2 months I’m ready to buy my first house!"

- Martin Marino

Essential Dialogue

Payment Plan


2 monthly payments


Pay In Full



Frequently Asked Questions